

Random number Integer 0-1000
Random number Integer 0-1000https://forum.knime.com/t/random-numbers/45106/2?u=mlauber71 just for the fun of it .... 0 - 1,0000 - 1,000Node 3round($random$,0)round($random$,0)sort by randomcreate countergenerate as many unique RandomNumbers (INTEGER) as there are entriesin the tableMax*(Counter)create counterMax*(Counter)just concatenate the columns Random NumberAssigner Random NumberAssigner (Apache) Data Generator Math Formula Math Formula Sorter Counter Generation RowID Random NumbersGenerator GroupBy Counter Generation Table Rowto Variable Column Appender Random number Integer 0-1000https://forum.knime.com/t/random-numbers/45106/2?u=mlauber71 just for the fun of it .... 0 - 1,0000 - 1,000Node 3round($random$,0)round($random$,0)sort by randomcreate countergenerate as many unique RandomNumbers (INTEGER) as there are entriesin the tableMax*(Counter)create counterMax*(Counter)just concatenate the columnsRandom NumberAssigner Random NumberAssigner (Apache) Data Generator Math Formula Math Formula Sorter Counter Generation RowID Random NumbersGenerator GroupBy Counter Generation Table Rowto Variable Column Appender


