demonstrates how to check the versions of every R package. And specifically check for the version of the RServe package.
With the help of the package sessioninfo you could extract more detailed infos about a specific package
The subfolder /result/ would contain TXT files with information about the packages.
There is a new official guide to install R with KNIME
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(Amelia, BBmisc, BH, Cairo, Cubist, DBI, DT, Deriv, DescTools, DiagrammeR, Exact, Formula, GGally, IDPmisc, IDmining, KernSmooth, MASS, Matrix, MatrixModels, ModelMetrics, PRROC, ParamHelpers, R.methodsS3, R.oo, R.utils, R6, RColorBrewer, RCurl, RH2, RJDBC, ROCR, ROSE, RPushbullet, RSQLite, RSclient, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RcppParallel, Rserve, Rtsne, SQUAREM, SparseM, StanHeaders,, TSP, TTR, V8, XLConnect, XML, abind, antiword, ape, aplpack, arrow, arsenal, askpass, assertthat, backports, base, base64enc, bit, bit64, bitops, blob, boot, brew, brio, broom, bslib, caTools, cachem, callr, car, carData, caret, cellranger, checkmate, chron, class, cli, clipr, cluster, codetools, colorspace, colourpicker, commonmark, compiler, conquer, corrgram, cpp11, crayon, credentials, crosstalk, curl, data.table, data.tree, datasets, dbplyr, desc, devtools, diffobj, digest, doParallel, docxtractr, downloader, dplyr, drc, dtplyr, dygraphs, e1071, ellipse, ellipsis, evaluate, expm, extraDistr, fBasics, fansi, farver, fastmap, fastmatch, fontawesome, forcats, foreach, foreign, fs, future, future.apply, gains, gargle, gbm, generics, gert, ggExtra, ggplot2, gh, gitcreds, gld, globals, glue, googledrive, googlesheets4, gower, gplots, grDevices, graphics, grid, gridExtra, gss, gtable, gtools, h2o, hardhat, haven, hexbin, highr, hms, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, ids, igraph, influenceR, ini, inline, installr, ipred, isoband, iterators, janitor, jquerylib, jsonlite, knitr, labeling, lars, later, lattice, lava, lazyeval, lifecycle, lift, listenv, lme4, lmom, loo, lubridate, magrittr, maptools, markdown, matrixStats, memoise, methods, mgcv, mime, miniUI, minpack.lm, minqa, mlr, mnormt, modelr, multcomp, munsell, mvtnorm, ndjson, neuralnet, nlme, nloptr, nnet, numDeriv, odbc, openssl, openxlsx, pROC, pacman, parallel, parallelMap, parallelly, pastecs, pbkrtest, pdftools, pillar, pkgbuild, pkgconfig, pkgload, plogr, plotrix, plyr, pmml, praise, prettyunits, processx, prodlim, progress, progressr, promises, prophet, proxy, ps, psych, purrr, qpdf, quantreg, rJava, randomForest, randomForestSRC, rappdirs, rcmdcheck, readODS, readr, readtext, readxl, recipes, rematch, rematch2, remotes, reprex, reshape, reshape2, rio, rjson, rlang, rmarkdown, rootSolve, roxygen2, rpart, rprojroot, rstan, rstantools, rstudioapi, rversions, rvest, sandwich, sass, scales, selectr, sessioninfo, shiny, shinyjs, snakecase, sourcetools, sp, spatial, splines, stabledist, stats, stats4, streamR, stringi, stringr, striprtf, survival, sys, tcltk, testthat, tibble, tidyr, tidyselect, tidyverse, timeDate, timeSeries, tinytex, tmvnsim, tools, tsne, tzdb, usethis, utf8, utils, uuid, vctrs, viridis, viridisLite, visNetwork, vroom, vtreat, waldo, whisker, withr, wrapr, xfun, xgboost, xlsx, xlsxjars, xml2, xopen, xtable, xts, yaml, zip, zoo)
URL: RServe 1.8.6 on MacOSX
URL: Install R alongside KNIME on Windows and MacOS (2019)
URL: R and Rtools (Windows)
URL: RServe 1.8.6 on Windows
URL: R Session Information
URL: KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integration Installation Guide
URL: 3 Methods to update R on RStudio (for Windows & Mac)
URL: Updating R from R (on Windows) – using the {installr} package
URL: Using Rtools40 on Windows
URL: Medium Blog: KNIME and R — installation across operating systems — some remarks
To use this workflow in KNIME, download it from the below URL and open it in KNIME:
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