
Main - Check Folder every 5 Minutes

<p>A KNIME workflow to check if a file in a folder has changed and then call a sub-workflow</p><p></p><p>The workflow will run permanently and check every 5 minutes (you can adapt that) if there has been a change. The last modification date will be stored in a CSV file. If there is no change nothing will happen</p>

URL: Hub: Call Workflow in KNIME https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~-OjK8KaTPRdnoL_4/current-state/
URL: Medium: KNIME, Paths and Loops — Automate Everything https://medium.com/low-code-for-advanced-data-science/knime-paths-and-loops-automate-everything-213455788685
URL: Wait for a Change in Folder - KNIME Forum (82041) https://forum.knime.com/t/question-about-wait-node/82041/8?u=mlauber71
URL: use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times (execution workflow) https://forum.knime.com/t/start-a-workflow-e-g-a-database-query-after-a-certain-time/30287/36?u=mlauber71
URL: Medium: KNIME Batch Processing on Windows and MacOS https://medium.com/low-code-for-advanced-data-science/knime-batch-processing-on-windows-and-macos-caacde067bd0
URL: KNIME Blog: How to Create Workflow & REST Services with KNIME https://www.knime.com/blog/call-workflow-service-REST
URL: Hub: Playing around with Call Workflow - main-workflow to "Call Workflow - Sub" with the new "KNIME Workflow Services" https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~-OjK8KaTPRdnoL_4/current-state/


