
Call Workflow - Main

<p>Playing around with Call Workflow - main-workflow to "Call Workflow - Sub" with the new "KNIME Workflow Services"<br></p><p>two ways to communicate data with the sub-workflow: just send the data there or save a data file and send the path to the sub workflow (might also be static)</p>

URL: (45698) first forum entry https://forum.knime.com/t/use-data-from-another-worklow-into-current-workflow/45698/2?u=mlauber71
URL: Call sub workflow from a mother KNIME workflow https://kni.me/w/uPGki0nVinczB7SZ
URL: (48189) second forum entry https://forum.knime.com/t/call-workflow-table-based-not-accepting-variable-with-path/48189/6?u=mlauber71
URL: Run multiple instances of another workflow in parallel https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~7olAIqh7Cqf6h8x_/current-state/
URL: Medium: KNIME, Paths and Loops — Automate Everything https://medium.com/low-code-for-advanced-data-science/knime-paths-and-loops-automate-everything-213455788685


