

Einlesen und Bearbeiten der Daten Explorative Analyse der Daten Erste grobe Analyse der Daten Auffallend sind:die vielen NaN Werte in fast jeder Spaltedie beiden leeren letzten Spaltendie '=' Zeichen in der Spalte 'rank in subregion'die mit Bindestrichen versehenen Werte in den Spalten 'rank display' und 'rank display2'die Bindestriche in der Spalte 'score scaled' Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Einlesen der DatenEntfernender SonderzeichenLöschen der leeren SpaltenNode 9Node 10Typumwandlung zu integerNode 12Berechneneines eigenen score wertesSortieren absteigend nach score scaledSkalierung des berechneten score wertesUmwandeln der score scaled Werte von string zu integerNur die deutschen Unis filternConnect todb 'UniRanking' Createclass UniRankingCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsCreate SQLfor ids from RecipesQuery dataQuery dataExtract datafrom JSONExtract @ridCretae multiplerows from collectionExtract @ridExtract datafrom JSONJoin both tablesRemove SQLStatementRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementCreate class sizeNode 66Node 68Drop class UniRankingDrop all subclasses of UniRankingSelect all subclasses of UniRankingCreateSQLStatementNode 78Node 80Extract country and country codeNode 82Extract sizeNode 84Node 85Extract focusNode 87Extract researchNode 89Extract age bandNode 91Extract statusNode 93Create class sizeNode 96Create class sizeNode 98Create class sizeNode 100Create class sizeNode 102Create class sizeNode 104Create class sizeNode 106Create class sizeNode 108Create class sizeNode 110Create class sizeNode 112Create class sizeNode 114Create class sizeNode 116Create class sizeCreate class sizeNode 121Node 122Node 123Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 129Node 130Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Node 137Node 138Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 142Node 143Node 144Node 146Extract datafrom JSONExtract @ridQuery dataRemove SQLStatementCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsJoin both tablesCreate new SQLStatementNode 154Join both tablesNode 156Create SQLfor ids from IngredientsExtract @ridQuery dataCreate new SQLStatementRemove SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 167Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 175Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 183Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementNode 187Node 188Node 189Entfernen von \ inInstitutsnamenNode 191Node 192Node 193 CSV Reader String Manipulation(Multi Column) Statistics Column AutoType Cast Box Plot (local) CSV Reader String Manipulation(Multi Column) Column Filter Statistics Box Plot (local) Column AutoType Cast Violin Plot(Plotly) Math Formula Sorter Math Formula String Manipulation Row Filter OrientDB Connection OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Query OrientDB Query JSON Path String Manipulation Ungroup String Manipulation JSON Path Joiner Column Filter Column Filter String Manipulation OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable Java EditVariable (simple) OrientDB Command OrientDB Command OrientDB Query String Manipulation Empty Table Switch End IF Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter Column Filter OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command OrientDB Command OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Command OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Column Filter Row Filter Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter OrientDB Command JSON Path String Manipulation OrientDB Query Column Filter String Manipulation Joiner String Manipulation OrientDB Command Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Query String Manipulation Column Filter JSON Path String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter OrientDB Command Missing Value Row Filter String Manipulation Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex) Einlesen und Bearbeiten der Daten Explorative Analyse der Daten Erste grobe Analyse der Daten Auffallend sind:die vielen NaN Werte in fast jeder Spaltedie beiden leeren letzten Spaltendie '=' Zeichen in der Spalte 'rank in subregion'die mit Bindestrichen versehenen Werte in den Spalten 'rank display' und 'rank display2'die Bindestriche in der Spalte 'score scaled' Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Einlesen der DatenEntfernender SonderzeichenLöschen der leeren SpaltenNode 9Node 10Typumwandlung zu integerNode 12Berechneneines eigenen score wertesSortieren absteigend nach score scaledSkalierung des berechneten score wertesUmwandeln der score scaled Werte von string zu integerNur die deutschen Unis filternConnect todb 'UniRanking' Createclass UniRankingCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsCreate SQLfor ids from RecipesQuery dataQuery dataExtract datafrom JSONExtract @ridCretae multiplerows from collectionExtract @ridExtract datafrom JSONJoin both tablesRemove SQLStatementRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementCreate class sizeNode 66Node 68Drop class UniRankingDrop all subclasses of UniRankingSelect all subclasses of UniRankingCreateSQLStatementNode 78Node 80Extract country and country codeNode 82Extract sizeNode 84Node 85Extract focusNode 87Extract researchNode 89Extract age bandNode 91Extract statusNode 93Create class sizeNode 96Create class sizeNode 98Create class sizeNode 100Create class sizeNode 102Create class sizeNode 104Create class sizeNode 106Create class sizeNode 108Create class sizeNode 110Create class sizeNode 112Create class sizeNode 114Create class sizeNode 116Create class sizeCreate class sizeNode 121Node 122Node 123Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 129Node 130Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Node 137Node 138Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 142Node 143Node 144Node 146Extract datafrom JSONExtract @ridQuery dataRemove SQLStatementCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsJoin both tablesCreate new SQLStatementNode 154Join both tablesNode 156Create SQLfor ids from IngredientsExtract @ridQuery dataCreate new SQLStatementRemove SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 167Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 175Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementCreate new SQLStatementExtract datafrom JSONQuery dataJoin both tablesNode 183Extract @ridCreate SQLfor ids from IngredientsRemove SQLStatementNode 187Node 188Node 189Entfernen von \ inInstitutsnamenNode 191Node 192Node 193CSV Reader String Manipulation(Multi Column) Statistics Column AutoType Cast Box Plot (local) CSV Reader String Manipulation(Multi Column) Column Filter Statistics Box Plot (local) Column AutoType Cast Violin Plot(Plotly) Math Formula Sorter Math Formula String Manipulation Row Filter OrientDB Connection OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Query OrientDB Query JSON Path String Manipulation Ungroup String Manipulation JSON Path Joiner Column Filter Column Filter String Manipulation OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable Java EditVariable (simple) OrientDB Command OrientDB Command OrientDB Query String Manipulation Empty Table Switch End IF Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter GroupBy Column Filter Column Filter OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command Table Rowto Variable OrientDB Command ExtractColumn Header OrientDB Command OrientDB Command OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Command OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation OrientDB Command String Manipulation Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Column Filter Row Filter Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter OrientDB Command JSON Path String Manipulation OrientDB Query Column Filter String Manipulation Joiner String Manipulation OrientDB Command Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation OrientDB Query String Manipulation Column Filter JSON Path String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation JSON Path OrientDB Query Joiner OrientDB Command String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter OrientDB Command Missing Value Row Filter String Manipulation Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex)


