

Challenge 3: CDC Cancer DataLevel: EasyDescription: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goal is to answer the followingquestions: (1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females? (2) What are the top-5 most frequentcancer types occurring in males? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number ofcancer cases normalized by the size of its population)? (1)| (Female) Cancer Sites | Sum(Count) ||------------------------------------|------------|| All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined | 839032 || Female Breast | 249986 || Male and Female Breast | 249986 || Digestive System | 131679 || Respiratory System | 110159 | Remove blank rows (?) Remove blank rows (?) (2)| (Male) Cancer Sites | Sum(Count) ||------------------------------------|------------|| All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined | 860405 || Digestive System | 167919 || Respiratory System | 124102 || Lung and Bronchus | 112603 || Urinary System | 99167 | (3)| States | Sum(Count) | Population 2017 | %-ratio ||---------------|------------|-----------------|---------| | Pennsylvania | 231193 | 12787641 | 1.81 || Florida | 366540 | 20963613 | 1.75 || Kentucky | 77294 | 4452268 | 1.74 || West Virginia | 31399 | 1817004 | 1.73 || New York | 334661 | 19589572 | 1.71 | Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 19Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 30 CSV Reader Excel Reader GroupBy Row Splitter Joiner String Replacer GroupBy Sorter Column Expressions Row Filter Row Filter Top k Selector Top k Selector Challenge 3: CDC Cancer DataLevel: EasyDescription: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goal is to answer the followingquestions: (1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females? (2) What are the top-5 most frequentcancer types occurring in males? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number ofcancer cases normalized by the size of its population)? (1)| (Female) Cancer Sites | Sum(Count) ||------------------------------------|------------|| All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined | 839032 || Female Breast | 249986 || Male and Female Breast | 249986 || Digestive System | 131679 || Respiratory System | 110159 | Remove blank rows (?) Remove blank rows (?) (2)| (Male) Cancer Sites | Sum(Count) ||------------------------------------|------------|| All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined | 860405 || Digestive System | 167919 || Respiratory System | 124102 || Lung and Bronchus | 112603 || Urinary System | 99167 | (3)| States | Sum(Count) | Population 2017 | %-ratio ||---------------|------------|-----------------|---------| | Pennsylvania | 231193 | 12787641 | 1.81 || Florida | 366540 | 20963613 | 1.75 || Kentucky | 77294 | 4452268 | 1.74 || West Virginia | 31399 | 1817004 | 1.73 || New York | 334661 | 19589572 | 1.71 | Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 19Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 30 CSV Reader Excel Reader GroupBy Row Splitter Joiner String Replacer GroupBy Sorter Column Expressions Row Filter Row Filter Top k Selector Top k Selector


