

Read the adult.csv dataset (Hint: drag and drop the file into the workflow)2. Filter out rows where themarital-statusis missing3. Filter out the "fnlwgt" column4. Write the transformed dataset to a new csv file on your machine5. Produce a Bar Chart showing the number of occurrencies per marital-status Maarit's solution adult.csvno missingin marital statusNode 3Node 4Node 5 File Reader Row Filter Column Filter CSV Writer Bar Chart Read the adult.csv dataset (Hint: drag and drop the file into the workflow)2. Filter out rows where themarital-statusis missing3. Filter out the "fnlwgt" column4. Write the transformed dataset to a new csv file on your machine5. Produce a Bar Chart showing the number of occurrencies per marital-status Maarit's solution adult.csvno missingin marital statusNode 3Node 4Node 5 File Reader Row Filter Column Filter CSV Writer Bar Chart


