
Examples Loops and Switches

Example 1: write one table to many Excel files Example 2: write one table to many Excel sheets Example 3: choose between plots- single selection configuration- rule engine variable- if switch Example 2a: read many sheets to one table Example 4: choose between plots (CASE Nodes)- single selection configuration- CASE Switch adults.csv"?" =>"unknown"example dateeither me...... or meNode 7Node 8Node 9Node 10"?" =>"unknown"adults.csvNode 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25either me...... or meexample dateNode 30Node 31add iteration to filename CSV Reader Rule Engine Data Generator Scatter Plot Bar Chart Group Loop Start Create File/FolderVariables Excel Writer Variable Loop End Rule Engine CSV Reader Variable Loop End Group Loop Start Excel Writer Read ExcelSheet Names Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Reader Loop End Single SelectionConfiguration IF Switch Rule EngineVariable Single SelectionConfiguration Scatter Plot Bar Chart Data Generator CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation(Variable) Example 1: write one table to many Excel files Example 2: write one table to many Excel sheets Example 3: choose between plots- single selection configuration- rule engine variable- if switch Example 2a: read many sheets to one table Example 4: choose between plots (CASE Nodes)- single selection configuration- CASE Switch adults.csv"?" =>"unknown"example dateeither me...... or meNode 7Node 8Node 9Node 10"?" =>"unknown"adults.csvNode 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25either me...... or meexample dateNode 30Node 31add iteration to filename CSV Reader Rule Engine Data Generator Scatter Plot Bar Chart Group Loop Start Create File/FolderVariables Excel Writer Variable Loop End Rule Engine CSV Reader Variable Loop End Group Loop Start Excel Writer Read ExcelSheet Names Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Reader Loop End Single SelectionConfiguration IF Switch Rule EngineVariable Single SelectionConfiguration Scatter Plot Bar Chart Data Generator CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation(Variable)


