Milkrun Optimization Plus (Addresses)

This node can be used to calculate optimal routes for multiple days shipments. This node helps you to optimize your supply and/or delivery network. Consider constraints such as customer time windows, detailed vehicle, and capacity profiles to calculate an optimal transport plan.
For this node five input tables are needed. The first one contains the information of the depots. The second one contains the information of the vehicles. The third table contains all the information concerning the pickup and delivery of orders. The fourth table contains the time window profiles. The fifth table is used to define breaks, in case the vehicles should have any. Please specify the duration unit in the configuration dialogue.

In case input and output data need to be saved on the Log-hub Platform, please set save scenario flag to true, fill the workspace id for the workspace in which the scenario should be saved, and give name to the scenario. In case existing scenario should be overwritten, set the overwrite scenario flag also to true, otherwise leave to false.

To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on

Log-hub video for API key generation:


Depot Id* (Depots)
Please select the depot id column
Country* (Depots)
Please select the depot country column
State (Depots)
Please select the depot state column
Zip (Depots)
Please select the depot zip column
City (Depots)
Please select the depot city column
Vehicle Type Id* (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle type id column
Available Vehicles* (Vehicles)
Please select the available vehicles column
Start Depot (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle start depot column
Street (Depots)
Please select the depot street column
End Depot (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle end depot column
Maximum Weight (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle maximum weight column
Maximum Volume (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle maximum volume column
Max Pallets (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle max pallets column
Max Stops (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle max stops column
Time Window Start (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle time window start column
Time Window End (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle time window end column
Profile (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle profile column
Speed Factor (Vehicles)
Please select the vehicle speed factor column
Fixed (Vehicles)
Please select the fixed column
Per Hour (Vehicles)
Please select the per hour column
Per Kilometer (Vehicles)
Please select the per kilometer column
Cost Per Stop (Vehicles)
Please select the costs per stop column
Min Travel Time (Vehicles)
Please select the min travel time column
Max Travel Time (Vehicles)
Please select the max travel time column
Max Distance [KM] (Vehicles)
Please select the max distance [km] column
Max Distance Between Stops [KM] (Vehicles)
Please select the max distance between stops [km] column
Break Profile Id (Vehicles)
Please select the break profile id column
Order Id* (Orders)
Please select the order id column
Country* (Orders)
Please select the order country column
State (Orders)
Please select the order state column
Zip (Orders)
Please select the order zip column
City (Orders)
Please select the order city column
Street (Orders)
Please select the order street column
Weight (Orders)
Please select the order weight column
Volume (Orders)
Please select the order volume column
Pallets (Orders)
Please select the order pallets column
Pickup/Delivery* (Orders)
Please select the pickup/delivery column
Depot Id* (Orders)
Please select the order depot id column
Vehicle Type Id (Orders)
Please select the order vehicle type id column
Stop Duration (Orders)
Please select the stop duration column
Time Window Profile (Orders)
Please select the order time window profile column
Loading/Unloading Time At Depot (Orders)
Please select the order loading/unloading time at depot column
External costs (Orders)
Please select the external costs column
Time Window Profile (Time Window Profiles)
Please select the time window profile column
Time Window Profile Start (Time Window Profiles)
Please select the time window profile start column
Time Window Profile End (Time Window Profiles)
Please select the time window profile end column
Break Profile Id (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the break profile id column
Earliest Break Start (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the earliest break start column
Latest Break Start (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the latest break start column
Earliest Relative Break Start (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the earliest relative break start column
Latest Relative Break Start (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the latest relative break start column
Break Duration (Breaks Profiles)
Please select the break duration column
Loading/Unloading Time (Depots)
Please select the depot loading/unloading time column
Duration Unit
Please select the duration unit
Save Scenario (Save Scenario on Platform)
In order to save scenario on the Log-hub Platform, set the parameter to true
Overwrite Scenario (Save Scenario on Platform)
In order to overwrite existing scenario on Log-hub Platform, set the parameter to true
Workspace Id - workspace where Scenario should be saved (Save Scenario on Platform)
Please enter here the workspace id in which you want to save scenario
Scenario Name (Save Scenario on Platform)
Please enter scenario name
Log-hub API Key
Please enter here the API Key from Log-hub.

Input Ports

The depots table contains information about the start and end locations for the vehicles. Required fields are the Depot Id and Country. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The vehicles table contains information about the available vehicles. It tells how many vehicle types are there, how many vehicles of each type are available, their capacities, time windows, etc.. Required fields are the Vehicle Type Id and the Available Vehicles column. Recommended fields are Start Depot, End Depot, Time Window Start end Time Window End. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The orders table contains details on the orders that need to be fulfilled. It gives information on the order pickup/delivery location, the quantities, time windows, etc.. Required fields are the Order Id, Country, Pickup/Delivery column and Depot ID. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The time windows table gives detailed information on the available time windows. It shows what are the earliest and latest pickup/delivery times for a particular order. Multiple time windows can be modelled by having several records with the same profile ID. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The breaks profiles table is used to define breaks, in case the vehicles should have any. The breaks are defined by a schedule - earliest and latest start time of a break, and the break duration. Each schedule should have a unique ID, which can then be added to the different vehicle types. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.

Output Ports

The Route Overview Table contains an overview on the calculated routes.
The Route Details Table contains details on the calculated routes.
The External Order table contains orders that are dropped.


