Demand Forecasting

This node can be used to help you accurately predict future demand for your products. By analyzing historical demand data and considering external factors, the app generates forecasts that support better planning and decision-making in your supply chain operations.
For this node three input table is needed. The first one contains the information about historical demand data. The second one contains the information about future demand data. The third table contains the information of te sku parameters.

To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on

Log-hub video for API key generation:


SKU* (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the sku column
Date* (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the date column
Please select the demand column
Future Impact Factor 1 (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the future impact factor 1 column
Future Impact Factor 2 (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the future impact factor 2 column
Future Impact Factor 3 (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the future impact factor 3 column
Future Impact Factor 4 (Historical Demand Data)
Please select the future impact factor 4 column
SKU (Future Impact Data)
Please select the sku column
Date (Future Impact Data)
Please select the date column
Future Impact Factor 1 (Future Impact Data)
Please select the future impact factor 1 column
Future Impact Factor 2 (Future Impact Data)
Please select the future impact factor 2 column
Future Impact Factor 3 (Future Impact Data)
Please select the future impact factor 3 column
Future Impact Factor 4 (Future Impact Data)
Please select the future impact factor 4 column
SKU* (SKU Parameters)
Please select the sku column
Forecast Periods*
Please select the forecast periods column
Demand Frequency
Please select the demand frequency column
Lower Trend Limit
Please select the lower trend limit column
Upper Trend Limit
Please select the upper trend limit column
Please select the seasonality column
Seasonality Type
Please select the seasonality type column
Confidence Interval
Please select the confidence interval column
Future Impact Factor 1 (SKU Parameters)
Please select the future impact factor 1 column
Future Impact Factor 2 (SKU Parameters)
Please select the future impact factor 2 column
Future Impact Factor 3 (SKU Parameters)
Please select the future impact factor 3 column
Future Impact Factor 4 (SKU Parameters)
Please select the future impact factor 4 column
Log-hub API Key
Please enter here the API Key from Log-hub.

Input Ports

The Historical Demand Data table contains information about histprical demand of product. Columns Future Impact Factor 1,2, 3 and 4 are possible impact factors and they have same name in all tables. Required felds are the SKU, Date and Demand. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The Future Impact Factors table contains information about future impacts on product demand. Columns Future Impact Factor 1,2, 3 and 4 are possible impact factors and they have same name in all tables. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.
The SKU Parameters table contains information about sku parameters that are used in prevoius two tables. Columns Future Impact Factor 1,2, 3 and 4 are possible impact factors and they have same name in all tables. Required felds are the SKU and Forecast periods. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.

Output Ports

The Prediction table contains prediction about product demand. Lower and upper bound describe the approximate demand and Demand is closest demand prediction.


