Distance Calculation (Lat, Lon)

This node can be used to calculate the distances on street level. The calculation is based on Open Street Map data.
For this node one input tables is needed. The table should contain all 'From' and 'To' coordinates which are relevant for distance calculation.
To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on www.log-hub.com.

Log-hub video for API key generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZgOn1IZ1Bk&t=255s


Sender Location*
Please select the sender location column
Sender Latitude*
Please select the sender latitude column
Sender Longitude*
Please select the sender longitude column
Recipient Location*
Please select the recipient location column
Recipient Latitude*
Please select the recipient latitude column
Recipient Longitude*
Please select the recipient longitude column
Batch Size
Batch size must be between 200 and 5000. We recommend 1000.
Duration Unit
Please select the duration unit
Distance Unit
Please select the distance unit
Vehicle Type
Please select the vehicle type
Log-hub API Key
Please enter here the API Key from Log-hub.

Input Ports

The input needs to contain the location, latitude and longitude of the sender and the location, latitude and longitude of the recipient. All fields are mandatory. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.

Output Ports

The output contains all input columns plus the results of the distance calculation.


