

ID was unique so removedduplicates with ID Replace missing values: Academic Interest 1/2 -> UNK Contact Code 1 -> UNK IRSchool -> 0 telecq -> 0 avg_income -> mean distance -> mean sex -> mode ethnicity -> UNK satscore-> mean Replace Y/N with 1/0 for InState Check and Replace Outliers for income, distance, & satscore Address inconsistency with init span Create variable binary for if took sat Log transformation on avg income Imp.DATA_SETStatistics on whole setY/N to Binaryreplace missinginstate to numericConvert InStateReplace outliers 1.5 IQRinit_span < 0Remove dups. on IDif sat > 0 then 1 Else 0box plotspre outliersbox plots post outliersverify missingvaluesnormalized histogramlog transformation File Reader Statistics Table Creator Missing Value Cell Replacer Category To Number Numeric Outliers Rule Engine DuplicateRow Filter Rule Engine Box Plot Box Plot Statistics Statistics Math Formula ID was unique so removedduplicates with ID Replace missing values: Academic Interest 1/2 -> UNK Contact Code 1 -> UNK IRSchool -> 0 telecq -> 0 avg_income -> mean distance -> mean sex -> mode ethnicity -> UNK satscore-> mean Replace Y/N with 1/0 for InState Check and Replace Outliers for income, distance, & satscore Address inconsistency with init span Create variable binary for if took sat Log transformation on avg income Imp.DATA_SETStatistics on whole setY/N to Binaryreplace missinginstate to numericConvert InStateReplace outliers 1.5 IQRinit_span < 0Remove dups. on IDif sat > 0 then 1 Else 0box plotspre outliersbox plots post outliersverify missingvaluesnormalized histogramlog transformationFile Reader Statistics Table Creator Missing Value Cell Replacer Category To Number Numeric Outliers Rule Engine DuplicateRow Filter Rule Engine Box Plot Box Plot Statistics Statistics Math Formula


