
02. Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation
Activity I - Concatenate web activity data from the old and new systems Activity II - Join all data into one table using a series of joiner nodes (use "Customer Key" as the joiningcolumn) - Filter out duplicate rows Activity: Data Manipulation & Aggregation - Replace the written sentiment values with the numeric sentiment scores - Make sure that all product names in the product data spreadsheet are written inlower case letters Demographics and History from SAS fileSentiment Evaluation from KNIMESentiment Rating +Sentiment DescriptionOld Web DataWebActivity.sqliteWebActivityProducts<-> CustomerKey File Reader Table Reader File Reader File Reader SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector Excel Reader (XLS) Activity I - Concatenate web activity data from the old and new systems Activity II - Join all data into one table using a series of joiner nodes (use "Customer Key" as the joiningcolumn) - Filter out duplicate rows Activity: Data Manipulation & Aggregation - Replace the written sentiment values with the numeric sentiment scores - Make sure that all product names in the product data spreadsheet are written inlower case letters Demographics and History from SAS fileSentiment Evaluation from KNIMESentiment Rating +Sentiment DescriptionOld Web DataWebActivity.sqliteWebActivityProducts<-> CustomerKey File Reader Table Reader File Reader File Reader SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector Excel Reader (XLS)


