
How to distribute according to proportionality

EmptyMixingrowsCounterAssign labelBack to original orderCheckOriginal datasetSelecting firstrowIn rowsDeleting unusefulrowsRight intervalboundaryBack to original orderCheckMixingrowsCounterLeft boundaryRight renameVariable nameBinningEmpty Table Creator Shuffle Counter Generation Rule Engine Sorter GroupBy CSV Reader Row Filter Table Transposer Column Filter Moving Aggregator Sorter GroupBy Shuffle Counter Generation Column Expressions Column Renamer RowID Binner (Dictionary) EmptyMixingrowsCounterAssign labelBack to original orderCheckOriginal datasetSelecting firstrowIn rowsDeleting unusefulrowsRight intervalboundaryBack to original orderCheckMixingrowsCounterLeft boundaryRight renameVariable nameBinningEmpty Table Creator Shuffle Counter Generation Rule Engine Sorter GroupBy CSV Reader Row Filter Table Transposer Column Filter Moving Aggregator Sorter GroupBy Shuffle Counter Generation Column Expressions Column Renamer RowID Binner (Dictionary)


