
Just Knime It Week 6 v.1

Just Knime It Week 6 v.1
Challenge 6: Most Popular News SourcesLevel: EasyDescription: A research group is running a study to understand how news consumption has changed lately. They run a survey on 3,000 people, asking where they usually read their news. Participants can indicate up to three optionsamong “Social Media”, “Online Newspapers”, “Printed Newspapers”, and “Radio or Television”, recorded with a numeric code in a CSV file. The respective descriptive names are provided in a small table. Your task is (1) to replace thecodes in the survey data with their corresponding descriptive names, and (2) to create an interactive dashboard that shows how many times each option has been selected. The dashboard should allow users to filter for the optionsthey are interested in. Note: Feel free to use this challenge as an opportunity to explore different visualization nodes!Author: Emilio SilvestriDataset: Survey data and code dictionary in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-6 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to this challenge thread on the KNIME forum. News_SourcesSource DictionarySplitand collectionStart loopID to stringPlace toright columnsCollectClean upID to stringCountUnpivotcolumnsBettercol names CSV Reader Table Reader Cell Splitter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation(Variable) Rule Engine Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Number To String GroupBy Unpivoting Dashboard Column Rename Challenge 6: Most Popular News SourcesLevel: EasyDescription: A research group is running a study to understand how news consumption has changed lately. They run a survey on 3,000 people, asking where they usually read their news. Participants can indicate up to three optionsamong “Social Media”, “Online Newspapers”, “Printed Newspapers”, and “Radio or Television”, recorded with a numeric code in a CSV file. The respective descriptive names are provided in a small table. Your task is (1) to replace thecodes in the survey data with their corresponding descriptive names, and (2) to create an interactive dashboard that shows how many times each option has been selected. The dashboard should allow users to filter for the optionsthey are interested in. Note: Feel free to use this challenge as an opportunity to explore different visualization nodes!Author: Emilio SilvestriDataset: Survey data and code dictionary in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-6 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to this challenge thread on the KNIME forum. News_SourcesSource DictionarySplitand collectionStart loopID to stringPlace toright columnsCollectClean upID to stringCountUnpivotcolumnsBettercol names CSV Reader Table Reader Cell Splitter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation(Variable) Rule Engine Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Number To String GroupBy Unpivoting Dashboard Column Rename


