
Just Knime It Week 4 v.1

Just Knime It Week 4 v.1
Challenge 4: Days With Price ChangesLevel: EasyDescription: You are using KNIME to monitor the daily price of a product online. After using the Line Plot node to visualize the daily prices you have already gathered, you notice that they are often constantfor a certain number of days before changing again. You want to create a new column in the price data you have at hand, named "Change", such that its value is 1 if a daily price changed with respect tothe previous day, or 0 if it remained unchanged. For the first daily price in the data, the "Change" value should be 1. As an example, if the initial daily prices look like:Date Price2015-01-01 102015-01-02 102015-01-03 11You should end up with data in the following format:Date Price Change2015-01-01 10 12015-01-02 10 02015-01-03 11 1Author: Emilio SilvestriDataset: Daily Prices in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-4 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to this challenge thread on the KNIME forum. Get DataClean upthe dateValue shiftSet upthe change valueTidy up CSV Reader String to Date&Time Lag Column Rule Engine Column Filter Challenge 4: Days With Price ChangesLevel: EasyDescription: You are using KNIME to monitor the daily price of a product online. After using the Line Plot node to visualize the daily prices you have already gathered, you notice that they are often constantfor a certain number of days before changing again. You want to create a new column in the price data you have at hand, named "Change", such that its value is 1 if a daily price changed with respect tothe previous day, or 0 if it remained unchanged. For the first daily price in the data, the "Change" value should be 1. As an example, if the initial daily prices look like:Date Price2015-01-01 102015-01-02 102015-01-03 11You should end up with data in the following format:Date Price Change2015-01-01 10 12015-01-02 10 02015-01-03 11 1Author: Emilio SilvestriDataset: Daily Prices in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-4 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to this challenge thread on the KNIME forum. Get DataClean upthe dateValue shiftSet upthe change valueTidy up CSV Reader String to Date&Time Lag Column Rule Engine Column Filter


