
Module 03 ch 01 lesson 01 Flow Variables final

import PVO dataremovetotal lineremove dupeentries in buyer columnreduce tobuyer columnselectbuyerBuyer > varfilter PVOby Buyerselectedgroup vendorby PO Valueget Buyerlast nameget currentdatecreate file locationfor Excel exportstring > filepathexport Excel fileExcel Reader Row Filter DuplicateRow Filter Column Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Row Filter GroupBy String Manipulation(Variable) Date&Time Widget String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) Excel Writer import PVO dataremovetotal lineremove dupeentries in buyer columnreduce tobuyer columnselectbuyerBuyer > varfilter PVOby Buyerselectedgroup vendorby PO Valueget Buyerlast nameget currentdatecreate file locationfor Excel exportstring > filepathexport Excel fileExcel Reader Row Filter DuplicateRow Filter Column Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Row Filter GroupBy String Manipulation(Variable) Date&Time Widget String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) Excel Writer


