
Get last day of current month

Get the last day of the current monthThis mini workflow is based on this forum post: https://forum.knime.com/t/last-day-of-the-month/5029 get current dateget currentday numbermutilplyw/ -1 for next shiftsubtract daysfrom datecurrent mth+1 tidy upcolumns Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Math Formula Date&Time Shift Date&Time Shift Column Filter Get the last day of the current monthThis mini workflow is based on this forum post: https://forum.knime.com/t/last-day-of-the-month/5029 get current dateget currentday numbermutilplyw/ -1 for next shiftsubtract daysfrom datecurrent mth+1 tidy upcolumns Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Math Formula Date&Time Shift Date&Time Shift Column Filter


