
Query GraphQL API

This workflow snippet demonstrate an example query to a GraphQL API. The Opentargets Platform provides a GraphQL API, which supports queries for a single target, disease/phenotype, drug, or target-disease association. In this example we provide the Ensembl Gene ID to get further informations like approved symbol, approved name, description, genomic location (chromosome, start- and endpoints), alternative genes, unique diseases and unique drugs.

The Ensembl IDs are provided in a table and the query is define in the String Manipulation node. The query is transformed to a JSON format, so it can be send as a request body in the POST request node. The response JSON is parsed using the JSON Path node and a simple Column Filter node removes the JSON query column for a cleaner table.

For more informations about the Opentarget Platform GraphQL API see the documentation: https://platform-docs.opentargets.org/data-access/graphql-api
To get an understanding of the Opentarget Platform GraphQL API and test different queries, please use the Opentarget Platform GraphQL Playground: https://api.platform.opentargets.org/api/v4/graphql/browser

This workflow snippet demonstrates an example query to the Opentarget Platform GraphQL API to get furtherinformation on targets. Ensembl IDsdefine queryconvert to JSONsend query to APIparse JSON resultremove JSON column Table Reader String Manipulation Table to JSON POST Request JSON Path Column Filter This workflow snippet demonstrates an example query to the Opentarget Platform GraphQL API to get furtherinformation on targets. Ensembl IDsdefine queryconvert to JSONsend query to APIparse JSON resultremove JSON columnTable Reader String Manipulation Table to JSON POST Request JSON Path Column Filter


