
Nexus Threshold Analysis - Static

Workflow automates the calculation steps for sales tax report for the subscription data with dynamic selection of the 12-months period. Based on the user-specified start date of the taxation period, the workflow will automatically take the active membership falling into this period and compute the total sales per state based on the subscription fee.

Nexus Threshold Logic:
- Sum up sales by state.
- Compare total sales by state with nexus threshold for that state.
- Highlight the states where nexus threshold on a US map for visualization.

Read more on the topic Sales Tax Reporting on the KNIME Blog: https://www.knime.com/blog/sales-tax-reporting

URL: KNIME Blog: Sales Tax Reporting https://www.knime.com/blog/sales-tax-reporting
URL: US States Boundaries Data https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/carto-boundary-file.html


