

Network of co-occuring Drug Names
Creating the Term Co-occurrence table. Combine newly found entities and known entities. 1) Filter co-occurrences2) Join ATC codes and Origin information Create the drug-drug co-occurrence network Retrieve semantic relations between newly identified drug names anddrug names from the initial list Creation of a co-occurence network of drug names tagged in documents. Insert nodesand edgesCountco-occurrencesAdding colorsAdding shapeCreate EdgeIDPort 1: New drugs with relationsPort 2: New drugs without relationBag of words ofunique set of (test)documentsExtracted entities fromtest setDrug names andATC CodesWords used for training(case insensitive)Write network todata folderWrite new drugs without relationto data folderWrite node propertiesto data folder Network Creator Object Inserter Term Co-OccurrenceCounter Feature Inserter Feature Inserter Prepare drug namesfor network Filterco-occurrences ATC Prediction Visual Properties String Manipulation Get name relations Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Network Writer Table Writer Table Writer Random subgraph View Creating the Term Co-occurrence table. Combine newly found entities and known entities. 1) Filter co-occurrences2) Join ATC codes and Origin information Create the drug-drug co-occurrence network Retrieve semantic relations between newly identified drug names anddrug names from the initial list Creation of a co-occurence network of drug names tagged in documents. Insert nodesand edgesCountco-occurrencesAdding colorsAdding shapeCreate EdgeIDPort 1: New drugs with relationsPort 2: New drugs without relationBag of words ofunique set of (test)documentsExtracted entities fromtest setDrug names andATC CodesWords used for training(case insensitive)Write network todata folderWrite new drugs without relationto data folderWrite node propertiesto data folder Network Creator Object Inserter Term Co-OccurrenceCounter Feature Inserter Feature Inserter Prepare drug namesfor network Filterco-occurrences ATC Prediction Visual Properties String Manipulation Get name relations Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Network Writer Table Writer Table Writer Random subgraph View


