

Fetch ChEMBL Target Data Meta Information

This workflow uses a query against a SQL version of the ChEMBL database to retrieve a bunch of information about user-provided targets.
It's primarily intended to be used as either a web service (deployed via the KNIME Server) or by calling it from Python (using KNIME's Python integration).
In order to execute the workflow successfully, you will need to provide connection information to a database server with ChEMBL_24 installed. The "Retrieve assays, activities, and targets" component contains the nodes where the connection data needs to be entered.

Output to caller Execute this workflow deployed on a KNIME Server or calling it from Python using Python integration.Credentials are required to connect to a database server with ChEMBL_2 installed. Query Targets not tested details dataInput from callerSample input datasummary dataProvide credentialsContainerOutput (Table) DB GroupBy ParameterizedDB Query Reader ContainerInput (Table) Table Creator DB Sorter DB Sorter DB GroupBy ParameterizedDB Query Reader ContainerOutput (Table) Retrieve assays,activities, and targets Output to caller Execute this workflow deployed on a KNIME Server or calling it from Python using Python integration.Credentials are required to connect to a database server with ChEMBL_2 installed. Query Targets not tested details dataInput from callerSample input datasummary dataProvide credentialsContainerOutput (Table) DB GroupBy ParameterizedDB Query Reader ContainerInput (Table) Table Creator DB Sorter DB Sorter DB GroupBy ParameterizedDB Query Reader ContainerOutput (Table) Retrieve assays,activities, and targets


