

Run a remote workflow and pass a table

Here we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node in order to call a workflow residing on KNIME Server/Business Hub.

A workflow runs another workflow on KNIME Server/Business Hub and passes a tableHere we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node in order to call a workflow residing onKNIME Server/Business Hub.We are performing a prediction task. The read data set is scored via a previously built model in the workflowthat is called. The passed variable additionally configures the workflow called.For more information on the data set see https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Landsat+Satellite) In order to run this workflow the KNIME Server/Business Hub connection needs tobe adopted and the callee workflow uploaded to the respective location. 01_predictor_flowsatimage.tablesoft voting KNIME ServerConnector Space Connector Call Workflow(Table Based) Table Reader Variable Creator Scorer A workflow runs another workflow on KNIME Server/Business Hub and passes a tableHere we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node in order to call a workflow residing onKNIME Server/Business Hub.We are performing a prediction task. The read data set is scored via a previously built model in the workflowthat is called. The passed variable additionally configures the workflow called.For more information on the data set see https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Landsat+Satellite) In order to run this workflow the KNIME Server/Business Hub connection needs tobe adopted and the callee workflow uploaded to the respective location. 01_predictor_flowsatimage.tablesoft votingKNIME ServerConnector Space Connector Call Workflow(Table Based) Table Reader Variable Creator Scorer


