
05_​Modified Variables Propagation in GET Request Captured in Try Catch

Modified Variables Propagation in GET Request Captured in Try Catch
This workflow uses Google Books API to get the number of books available in the Google Books repository for the provided search terms. Main branch is active Alternative branch is active Provide a listof URLs withsearch termsReturn the initialtable with thetotalItems flow variableCreate Custom messageflow variableCreate totalItemsflow variableCreate Custom messageflow variableCreate totalItemsflow variableProvide a listof URLs withsearch termswith spaces > errorReturn the initialtable with theCustomMessageflow variable Table Creator Inject Variables(Data) Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Variable Creator Inject Variables(Data) Get the total number of itemsavailable on Google Books Variable Creator Get the total number of itemsavailable on Google Books Inject Variables(Data) Table Creator Inject Variables(Data) Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) This workflow uses Google Books API to get the number of books available in the Google Books repository for the provided search terms. Main branch is active Alternative branch is active Provide a listof URLs withsearch termsReturn the initialtable with thetotalItems flow variableCreate Custom messageflow variableCreate totalItemsflow variableCreate Custom messageflow variableCreate totalItemsflow variableProvide a listof URLs withsearch termswith spaces > errorReturn the initialtable with theCustomMessageflow variableTable Creator Inject Variables(Data) Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Variable Creator Inject Variables(Data) Get the total number of itemsavailable on Google Books Variable Creator Get the total number of itemsavailable on Google Books Inject Variables(Data) Table Creator Inject Variables(Data) Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports)


