

Neural Machine Translation from English to German: Deployment Workflow
Read Models Pre-process Input Deploy models Create Output Neural Machine Translation from English to German:Deployment WorkflowThis is the deployment workflow of the encoder-decoder neuralarchitecture for the Neural machine Translation model. Read encoderOutput translation.Read decoderwith tf loopEncodeDecodeInput of EnglishsentenceRead EnglishdictionaryRead Germandictionary TensorFlowNetwork Reader ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON PreprocessEnglish sentence TensorFlowNetwork Reader TensorFlowNetwork Executor TensorFlowNetwork Executor Apply Germandictionary Variable toTable Row StringConfiguration Table Reader Table Reader Read Models Pre-process Input Deploy models Create Output Neural Machine Translation from English to German:Deployment WorkflowThis is the deployment workflow of the encoder-decoder neuralarchitecture for the Neural machine Translation model. Read encoderOutput translation.Read decoderwith tf loopEncodeDecodeInput of EnglishsentenceRead EnglishdictionaryRead Germandictionary TensorFlowNetwork Reader ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON PreprocessEnglish sentence TensorFlowNetwork Reader TensorFlowNetwork Executor TensorFlowNetwork Executor Apply Germandictionary Variable toTable Row StringConfiguration Table Reader Table Reader


