

Google Big Query meets SQLite. The business of baseball games.
Blending Data Sources: Google Big Query & SQLite Data Processing Data Visualization Google Big Query meets SQLite. The Business of Baseball Games. This workflow graphically explores attendance at baseball games together with weather conditions and calendar information using a bar chart and a sunburst chart.Attendance data are stored in a Big Query Database. Weather conditions data are stored in a SQLite database. Will they blend? To local timevia time zonequantiles & binary featuresavg(venue capacity)- avg(attendance)Orioles, Pirates, Red Sox,Giants, BrewersSelect columnsfrom Baseball_datatableImport Baseball data into KNIMEConnect to SQLite DBImport Weatherdata into KNIMESelect weathertableMerging dataSet credentialsfor Big data Query databaseConnect to BigQuery DB String to Date&Time Pre-processing Binning Bar Chart Sunburst Chart AttendanceGap Some Teams Only DB Table Selector DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector Joiner Google Authentication(API Key) Google BigQueryConnector Blending Data Sources: Google Big Query & SQLite Data Processing Data Visualization Google Big Query meets SQLite. The Business of Baseball Games. This workflow graphically explores attendance at baseball games together with weather conditions and calendar information using a bar chart and a sunburst chart.Attendance data are stored in a Big Query Database. Weather conditions data are stored in a SQLite database. Will they blend? To local timevia time zonequantiles & binary featuresavg(venue capacity)- avg(attendance)Orioles, Pirates, Red Sox,Giants, BrewersSelect columnsfrom Baseball_datatableImport Baseball data into KNIMEConnect to SQLite DBImport Weatherdata into KNIMESelect weathertableMerging dataSet credentialsfor Big data Query databaseConnect to BigQuery DB String to Date&Time Pre-processing Binning Bar Chart Sunburst Chart AttendanceGap Some Teams Only DB Table Selector DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector Joiner Google Authentication(API Key) Google BigQueryConnector


