
Data App Flowchart


Enable Shortcut:
Check this box to create a shortcut from the "Select Shortcut Column" setting.
Select Step Names Column:
Select a categorical column (String type) with the names of the nodes in the flowchart which describe the user journey in the data app. The order of the rows is used to build the sequence of steps.
Select Shortcut Column:
Select an integer column to define a shortcut. If the setting "Activate Shortcut" is off, just select any integer column as its value will be ignored. If the setting "Activate Shortcut" is on, this column will be used to define a shortcut between two steps in the sequence. The column needs to show a "0" for all steps, beside exactly two steps which should show a "1" to be connected by a shortcut in the flowchart.
Select Activation Column:
Select an integer column with "0" on all steps and a "1" for the current step to be highlighted. The component will fail if more than one step is active.
Image Size:
Enter here a number from 0 to 100 to determine the size of the image.
Text Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Text Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Background Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Text Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Flowchart Main Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Flowchart Main Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Flowchart Activation Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the Flowchart Activation. If the other setting "Flowchart Activation Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Background Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom background color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Background Predefined Color".
Image (Base64 Data URI Format):
Image in Base64 Data URI format, that is encoded in a long string. The image is going to show in the left part of the data app header. It usually displays the logo of the organization providing the data app.
Text Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom text color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Text Predefined Color".
Flowchart Main Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom flowchart main color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Flowchart Main Predefined Color".
Flowchart Activation Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom Flowchart Activation color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Flowchart Activation Predefined Color".

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


