
Triage Score Prediction

Triage is the process of determining the priority of patient treatment using an internationally recognized 5-level triage system(with 5 = non urgent and 1 = most urgent). The dataset includes several features which are cleaned in this workflow afterwards used for model training using the Auto ML component. The best model is selected and saved to use it in the components below.
To receive a triage prediction score the first component can be used to enter symptoms and vital signs. The data will be forwarded to a database to which a medical expert has access and add a diagnosis for each patient.

Model training for triage score prediction Add newly arrived patients for triagescore prediction Add diagnosis from medical expert Triage Prediction Triage is the process of determining the priority of patient treatment using an internationally recognized 5-level triagesystem(with 5 = non urgent and 1 = most urgent). The dataset includes several features which are cleaned in this workflowafterwards used for model training using the Auto ML component. The best model is selected and saved to use it in thecomponents below. To receive a triage prediction score the first component can be used to enter symptoms and vital signs. The data will beforwarded to a database to which a medical expert has access and add a diagnosis for each patient. read dataoversampleminority classes96% accuracyExcel Reader SMOTE Feature Preparation Workflow Executor Scorer AutoML Workflow Writer Patient Admission Diagnosis Column Expressions Model training for triage score prediction Add newly arrived patients for triagescore prediction Add diagnosis from medical expert Triage Prediction Triage is the process of determining the priority of patient treatment using an internationally recognized 5-level triagesystem(with 5 = non urgent and 1 = most urgent). The dataset includes several features which are cleaned in this workflowafterwards used for model training using the Auto ML component. The best model is selected and saved to use it in thecomponents below. To receive a triage prediction score the first component can be used to enter symptoms and vital signs. The data will beforwarded to a database to which a medical expert has access and add a diagnosis for each patient. read dataoversampleminority classes96% accuracyExcel Reader SMOTE Feature Preparation Workflow Executor Scorer AutoML Workflow Writer Patient Admission Diagnosis Column Expressions


