
Production Controller

There has been no title set for this workflow's metadata.

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

Catch the project path and name, deploy the project Store events Create Item Version and Service Deployment Transfer workflows Workflow description(Project name) Production EnvironmentConnector Create Event WorkflowService Output WorkflowService Input Database Connector Log Event Rule EngineVariable CASE Switch Start Inject Variables(Data) CASE Switch End Get TeamName and Id Log Event Database Connector Create Item Version Create Event Create ProductionService Deployment Catch the project path and name, deploy the project Store events Create Item Version and Service Deployment Transfer workflows Workflow description(Project name) Production EnvironmentConnector Create Event WorkflowService Output WorkflowService Input Database Connector Log Event Rule EngineVariable CASE Switch Start Inject Variables(Data) CASE Switch End Get TeamName and Id Log Event Database Connector Create Item Version Create Event Create ProductionService Deployment


