
Evaluation of RAG Workflows with Giskard RAGET

<p>The <strong>Giskard RAGET Test Set Generator</strong> (<strong>R</strong>etrieval <strong>A</strong>ugmented <strong>G</strong>eneration <strong>E</strong>valuation <strong>T</strong>oolkit) is designed to create a diverse set of questions to evaluate RAG systems. The generated questions will vary in complexity, including simple, complex, distracting, situational and double types to comprehensively test the system's capabilities. In the provided example, we populate our knowledge base with the update pages from the 5.2 and 5.3 releases and generate embeddings for each paragraph. After that we generate questions related to this knowledge base that can be used to test against a RAG system.<br>For more information about RAGET and Giskard, visit: https://docs.giskard.ai/en/stable/index.html</p>

URL: RAGET Test Set Generation https://docs.giskard.ai/en/stable/open_source/testset_generation/testset_generation/index.html
URL: RAGET Evaluation https://docs.giskard.ai/en/stable/open_source/testset_generation/rag_evaluation/index.html


