
ETL Dashboard Example

JKISeason2-15 Ángel Molina

Desafío 15: crear un tablero para actualizar la información actuarial
Nivel: Medio

Descripción: Eres un científico de datos independiente y se te pide que ayudes a una agencia actuarial. Para calcular las primas de los seguros de vida, los actuarios necesitan encontrar la información dependiente de la edad sobre los clientes de una tabla Actuarial Life que contiene la probabilidad de morir dentro de 1 año y la esperanza de vida. Su tarea es hacer que este proceso sea más rápido: cree un tablero en el que un actuario especifique la edad del cliente y esta acción actualice las probabilidades y la esperanza de vida para ambos sexos. Siéntase libre de usar tablas o representaciones gráficas de datos

Just KNIME It Season 2- Challenge 15 https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.htmlA period life table is based on the mortality experience of a population during a relatively short period oftime. Here we present the 2021 period life table for the Social Security area population, as used in the2024 Trustees Report (TR). For this table, the period life expectancy at a given age is the averageremaining number of years expected prior to death for a person at that exact age, born on January 1,using the mortality rates for 2021 over the course of his or her remaining life. Node 2 Excel Reader Header Dashboard ETL Just KNIME It Season 2- Challenge 15 https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.htmlA period life table is based on the mortality experience of a population during a relatively short period oftime. Here we present the 2021 period life table for the Social Security area population, as used in the2024 Trustees Report (TR). For this table, the period life expectancy at a given age is the averageremaining number of years expected prior to death for a person at that exact age, born on January 1,using the mortality rates for 2021 over the course of his or her remaining life. Node 2 Excel Reader Header Dashboard ETL


