
01.Game_​Data_​App - Solution

In this exercise you will finalize a Game Data App adding the Page 3-Form and Page 4-Dashboard. You will practice the creation of a component, view customization using CSS, the configuration of the Flow Chart View and the creation of a simple interactive dashboard.
(Optional) Page 4b Step 7. Validate user input dataYou want to check whether the user entered valid data or justleft the default entries.With a Row Filter node, remove the entry if the email address is"example@email.com" (default)Define a conditional path by adding an Empty Table Switchnode.Connect the first port of the Empty Table Switch node (non-empty table) to Page 4a - the user sees the dashboardConnect the second port of the Empty Table Switch node(empty table) to Page 4b - the user sees an error message The first two pages are already configured. Page 1 shows a Welcome page while settingup the game session, and Page 2 let the user play the game (3 iterations) Page 1Set up the match Page 2Play the game Page 3Show match results and collect user feedback Page 4aShow an interactive dashboard with game statistics Step 8. DeploymentUpload this workflow to KNIME Business HubRight click the workflow in the Space Explorer and select Uploadto Hub.Make sure to reset the workflow before uploadIn the Hub browser UICreate a new space version of the space containing the workflowCreate a deployment of this workflow as Data appExecute the Data app from the list of deployments Session 3 - Building and Deploying a WebPortal Data AppExercise 01.Game_Data_App Learning objective: In this exercise you'll learn how to build and deploy a data app with components, CSS customization, interactivity, and other configurations.Workflow description: This workflow finishes the implementation of a Game Data App by adding the Page 3-Form, and Page 4-Dashboard. The result is a customized and interactive applicationthat is ready to be deployed as a data app on KNIME Business Hub.You'll find the instructions to the exercises in the yellow annotations. check if emailchanged from defaultDashboardSelect image andnames columnsForm Counting Loop Start Row Filter Variable Loop End Empty Table Switch Table Rowto Variable Page 4b -Error Message Page 4a Play Page 3 Welcome (Optional) Page 4b Step 7. Validate user input dataYou want to check whether the user entered valid data or justleft the default entries.With a Row Filter node, remove the entry if the email address is"example@email.com" (default)Define a conditional path by adding an Empty Table Switchnode.Connect the first port of the Empty Table Switch node (non-empty table) to Page 4a - the user sees the dashboardConnect the second port of the Empty Table Switch node(empty table) to Page 4b - the user sees an error message The first two pages are already configured. Page 1 shows a Welcome page while settingup the game session, and Page 2 let the user play the game (3 iterations) Page 1Set up the match Page 2Play the game Page 3Show match results and collect user feedback Page 4aShow an interactive dashboard with game statistics Step 8. DeploymentUpload this workflow to KNIME Business HubRight click the workflow in the Space Explorer and select Uploadto Hub.Make sure to reset the workflow before uploadIn the Hub browser UICreate a new space version of the space containing the workflowCreate a deployment of this workflow as Data appExecute the Data app from the list of deployments Session 3 - Building and Deploying a WebPortal Data AppExercise 01.Game_Data_App Learning objective: In this exercise you'll learn how to build and deploy a data app with components, CSS customization, interactivity, and other configurations.Workflow description: This workflow finishes the implementation of a Game Data App by adding the Page 3-Form, and Page 4-Dashboard. The result is a customized and interactive applicationthat is ready to be deployed as a data app on KNIME Business Hub.You'll find the instructions to the exercises in the yellow annotations. check if emailchanged from defaultDashboardSelect image andnames columnsFormCounting Loop Start Row Filter Variable Loop End Empty Table Switch Table Rowto Variable Page 4b -Error Message Page 4a Play Page 3 Welcome


