
08 Decision Tree Model

08 Decision Tree Model
Exercise: Decision Tree Model1.1) Partition the data into a training set (70%) and a test set (30%). Apply stratified sampling on the Gender column.1.2) Build a decision tree model to predict the gender category in the Gender column. Apply the model to the test set.1.3) Evaluate the model's performance with the Scorer (JavaScript) node. WA_American_Time_Use_Survey.csv70/30 splitstratified by TravelEvaluate modelPredict TravelNode 46CSV Reader Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) DecisionTree Learner Row Filter Exercise: Decision Tree Model1.1) Partition the data into a training set (70%) and a test set (30%). Apply stratified sampling on the Gender column.1.2) Build a decision tree model to predict the gender category in the Gender column. Apply the model to the test set.1.3) Evaluate the model's performance with the Scorer (JavaScript) node. WA_American_Time_Use_Survey.csv70/30 splitstratified by TravelEvaluate modelPredict TravelNode 46CSV Reader Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) DecisionTree Learner Row Filter


