

CNN for Image Classification of the MNIST Fashion Dataset

This workflow trains a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to classify the images of the MNIST Fashion Dataset into ten different classes.

Define network architecture Read and preprocss fashion MNIST dataset Train and apply network Evaluate and save network Note: This workflow uses only a subset of the Fashion MNIST dataset. You can download the full dataset here: https://peltarion.com/knowledge-center/documentation/datasets-view/datasets-used-in-tutorials/fashion-mnist-dataset Important: To execute this workflow you need to install KNIME Image Processing - Deep Learning Extension: https://kni.me/e/JMlIEafbwxOPn652 Read labelsAdd classlabelMap category to indexCreate collectioncell with label indexInput shape: 28,28,1Kernel 3,3Filter 64Units: 100Activation ReLUUnits 10Activation: SoftmaxEpochs: 20Batch Size: 32Normalizeimages70% training30% testingEvalutate the modelSave thetrained modelin a .h5 fileClass with highest probabilitySize 2,2 CSV Reader Cell Replacer Category To Number Create CollectionColumn Keras Input Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Flatten Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras NetworkLearner Image Calculator Partitioning Keras NetworkExecutor Scorer Read Images Keras NetworkWriter Extract Prediction Keras Max Pooling2D Layer Define network architecture Read and preprocss fashion MNIST dataset Train and apply network Evaluate and save network Note: This workflow uses only a subset of the Fashion MNIST dataset. You can download the full dataset here: https://peltarion.com/knowledge-center/documentation/datasets-view/datasets-used-in-tutorials/fashion-mnist-dataset Important: To execute this workflow you need to install KNIME Image Processing - Deep Learning Extension: https://kni.me/e/JMlIEafbwxOPn652 Read labelsAdd classlabelMap category to indexCreate collectioncell with label indexInput shape: 28,28,1Kernel 3,3Filter 64Units: 100Activation ReLUUnits 10Activation: SoftmaxEpochs: 20Batch Size: 32Normalizeimages70% training30% testingEvalutate the modelSave thetrained modelin a .h5 fileClass with highest probabilitySize 2,2 CSV Reader Cell Replacer Category To Number Create CollectionColumn Keras Input Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Flatten Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras NetworkLearner Image Calculator Partitioning Keras NetworkExecutor Scorer Read Images Keras NetworkWriter Extract Prediction Keras Max Pooling2D Layer


