

https://forum.knime.com/t/filling-missing-values-in-time-series/39933 Note: The first port of the Linear Correlation node alreadyprovides pairs of correlated columns allowing you tofilter for the highest correlated pairs. In case of acorrelation matrix, we would need the component whichtransforms the matrix into a list of pairs with highestcorrelation. Get correlation matrixGenerate random dataAdd a fewmissing valuesCTRL + Double clickto openbased on valuesfrom column with highest Linear Correlation Data Generator Column Expressions Get column pairs withhighest correlation Replace MissingValues https://forum.knime.com/t/filling-missing-values-in-time-series/39933 Note: The first port of the Linear Correlation node alreadyprovides pairs of correlated columns allowing you tofilter for the highest correlated pairs. In case of acorrelation matrix, we would need the component whichtransforms the matrix into a list of pairs with highestcorrelation. Get correlation matrixGenerate random dataAdd a fewmissing valuesCTRL + Double clickto openbased on valuesfrom column with highest Linear Correlation Data Generator Column Expressions Get column pairs withhighest correlation Replace MissingValues


