
02. Data Blending - solution

Data Reading Activity: Data Manipulation & Aggregation Activity I- Concatenate web activity data from old and new systems. Activity II- Join all data together using a series of joiner nodes by the "CustomerKey" field.- Clean up and document your workflow using annotations, node labelsand metanodes- Create a wrapped metanode and save it as template exclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivityWeb activity(old system)Demographics and History from SAS fileSentiment Evaluation from KNIMEWeb Activity (Old)First Web Activityfrom New Web SystemWeb Activity (New)Read Product DataConcatenate data fromold and new systemJoin on Customer IDJoin on Customer IDJoin on Customer ID Column Filter Column Rename File Reader Table Reader File Reader Database Reader SQLite Connector Excel Reader (XLS) Concatenate Joiner Joiner Joiner Data Reading Activity: Data Manipulation & Aggregation Activity I- Concatenate web activity data from old and new systems. Activity II- Join all data together using a series of joiner nodes by the "CustomerKey" field.- Clean up and document your workflow using annotations, node labelsand metanodes- Create a wrapped metanode and save it as template exclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivityWeb activity(old system)Demographics and History from SAS fileSentiment Evaluation from KNIMEWeb Activity (Old)First Web Activityfrom New Web SystemWeb Activity (New)Read Product DataConcatenate data fromold and new systemJoin on Customer IDJoin on Customer IDJoin on Customer ID Column Filter Column Rename File Reader Table Reader File Reader Database Reader SQLite Connector Excel Reader (XLS) Concatenate Joiner Joiner Joiner


