Kaplan Meier Curve After 4.7

Requires: Python and Lifelines and Plotly packages.

This component leverages the Python Lifelines package to generate Kaplan-Meier curves and output statistics in a simple dashboard. It is designed to plot the classes within a column (so multiple curves).

The following are output:
1. A statistics table based on the output of the pairwise_logrank_test function with p-value and -log2(p).
2. A survival table with probability percent breakdown and corresponding timeline.
3. A case processing summary with counts, event counts and percentages.
4. Selected logrank test output.
5. Kaplan-Meier curves that plot the variables from the selected column.

Read the Lifeline docs here: https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html


Max End Time For Timeline?
If checked the entire plot is generated.
Select the variable to consider.
Select Survival Status Column
Select the column that indicates the survival or failure of your data.
Select Time Column
Select the column that represents the survival time or time to failure.
This impacts the CI of the KM plot. Adjust based on your domain and specific research problem. It is passed in the KM fitter.
Plot End Time (static plot only)
Adjusts the output of the plot to stop at the given time interval. This is different that only calculating survival to that point.
Plot Start Time (static plot only)
Plot Start Input
Plot Resolution (Enter 0 For Default)
This determines the granularity of the survival curve. It specifies the number of time points at which to compute the survival probabilities. Somewhat experimental, read it in the docs here: https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fitters/univariate/KaplanMeierFitter.html?highlight=timeline#lifelines.fitters.kaplan_meier_fitter.KaplanMeierFitter.timeline
p value (For Flemington-Harrington weighting)
"The Flemington-Harrington test allows the%%00010most flexibility in terms of the choice of%%00010weights because the user provides the values of p and q" %%00010- Survival Analysis A Self Learning Text p.75.%%00010%%00010More Weight For Earlier Survival Times: p=1, q=0%%00010More Weight For Later Survival Times: p=0, q=1%%00010Reduce To Log Rank Test: p=0, q=0
q value (For Flemington-Harrington weighting)
"The Flemington-Harrington test allows the%%00010most flexibility in terms of the choice of%%00010weights because the user provides the values of p and q" %%00010- Survival Analysis A Self Learning Text p.75.%%00010%%00010More Weight For Earlier Survival Times: p=1, q=0%%00010More Weight For Later Survival Times: p=0, q=1%%00010Reduce To Log Rank Test: p=0, q=0
Select Logrank Test (if comparing 2+ curves)
Select the logrank test you would like to use, if comparing 2 or more curves. See the documentation here: https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Examples.html?highlight=logrank#logrank-test
Select Desired Weighting
Select the weighting you would like to use. If no weighting is desired select None. See the documentation here: https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Examples.html?highlight=logrank#logrank-test.%%00010%%00010The Wilcoxon, Tarone-Ware and Peto tests apply more weight to earlier death times. The Peto test is more robust than the Wilcoxon or Tarone-Ware tests when many observations are censored. When p > q, the Fleming-Harrington applies more weight to earlier death times whilst when p < q, it is more sensitive to late differences (for p=q=0 it reduces to the unweighted logrank test). The choice of which test to perform should be made in advance and not retrospectively to avoid introducing bias.
Survival Curve x-label
This will become the x axis label of the KM plot.
Survival Curve y-label
This will become the y axis label of the KM plot.
Plot Title
This will become the title of the KM plot.

Input Ports

Source data to analyze

Output Ports

A statistics table based on the output of the pairwise_logrank_test function with p value and -log2(p).
A survival table with a probability percent breakdown and corresponding timeline.
A case processing summary with counts, event counts and percentages.
Information on the selected Logrank test.
Kaplan-Meier curves that plot the variables from the selected column.


