

Level: Medium

Description: For this challenge, you will leverage KNIME’s reporting capabilities to create a neat PDF document containing summaries and visual analyses of a movie dataset. Movies from each decade should be analyzed separately, one decade per page.

Within each decade:
(1) what average budget was spent per genre?
(2) what was the average revenue per genre?
(3) what were the main features of its top 5 movies?

Do your best to enhance the report visualization (e.g., use format managers, colors, and head/footer). Hint: Use the KNIME Reporting extension to solve this challenge.

CSV Reader pre-process Report TemplateCreator visualize Group Loop Start Report Loop End Report PDF Writer Create File/FolderVariables Path to String(Variable) CSV Reader pre-process Report TemplateCreator visualize Group Loop Start Report Loop End Report PDF Writer Create File/FolderVariables Path to String(Variable)


