
Batch execution 1

Batch execution

Test running the current workflow with KNIME_batch.py.

Batch execution:Test running the current workflow with KNIME_batch.py.%file%Test ligandsAutoQSAR %file%Log in the viewPredictions%file%Command run,timing Save the workflowbefore testingit in batchMolecule Reader(to MAE) AutoQSAR Predict Extract Properties QSARModel Reader Batch Test CSV Writer Table Viewer Save Workflow Batch execution:Test running the current workflow with KNIME_batch.py.%file%Test ligandsAutoQSAR %file%Log in the viewPredictions%file%Command run,timing Save the workflowbefore testingit in batchMolecule Reader(to MAE) AutoQSAR Predict Extract Properties QSARModel Reader Batch Test CSV Writer Table Viewer Save Workflow


