Header Re-Map

Header Re-Map V5: This is an Interactive View operated component for user friendly manual re-mapping of headers. It can be run in (Basic Mode) - Horizontal Headers or (Advanced Mode) - Vertical Header List (This allows for support columns for additional filtering / append options). The dropdown selection blocks locks double assignment of new header names, restricts dropdowns to unused values on refresh, includes 3 optional filters (Advanced Mode) to better manage a large number of dropdown header values (filters have a bypass option in the interactive view, defaulting to bypasss), includes option to append any unassigned new columns, includes option to sort new columns to match the list order (with old fields remaining in front), also includes backup and recovery or pre-mapping. It also now includes Show / Hide Settings to show only changes, without changes, or the full list. I also added a single run Backup / Recovery function to save and return to a save point.

The update button handles all saving and updating. Simply close the window and discard changes after each use. If this component is used more than once in the same workflow, be sure to enter different log names in the configuration window unless you want their re-map settings to remain linked. You can view the updated output and review the column data to help with mapping via the Node Monitor after hitting "Apply Re-Map" in the component. If you have a dual monitor setup, then I recommend placing the component interactive view on a separate monitor from the workflow. This ensures that the component window doesn't fall behind KNIME AP, and allows for more visibility of the data and output via the Node Monitor.

***Do not open multiple versions of the same window, as it can cause conflict errors if the settings are mismatched*** In the event that this happens, it is only a minor inconvenience as you simply need to manually close all of the interactive view windows for the component via the taskbar.

Log Files / Backup Files are kept in the Relative Folder Path "data/iCFO_component_log_files" under thier component ID subfolders.

****If this component is nested within another component or metanode, a manual copy and paste of the logfiles to the new component address will be necessary.**** The prior log files will remain in their folder under the old component ID.

Run the component to populate the workflow columns before opening the Configuration window on first installation or after an update, and run the component after changing the Basic / Advanced mode settings to show / hide additional settings.


Advanced Column Selection - Essential to Append (Yes / No value list) - Append + Restriction must be activated above... (Bypassed in Basic Mode)
Enter Description
Advanced Column Selection - Input Column Names Pre-Map / Backup Recovery (1 run only to populate - then return to (**No Pre-Map Column**) for manual changes) SELECT (***No Pre-Map Column***) before returning to Basic Mode
Enter Description
Advanced Column Selection - Filter#3 for Re-Map Select Dropdown (Do not assign the same column to mulitple filters) - SELECT (***No Filter Column1***) before returning to Basic Mode
Enter Description
Advanced Column Selection - Filter#2 for Re-Map Select Dropdown (Do not assign the same column to mulitple filters) - SELECT (***No Filter Column2***) before returning to Basic Mode
Enter Description
Advanced Column Selection - Replacement Header List to provide Re-Map Select Dropdowns (The new column names are expected in a vertical list. "Transpose" if necessary) SELECT (***No Header List***) before returning to Basic Mode
Enter Description
Advanced Column Selection - Filter#1 for Re-Map Select Dropdown (Do not assign the same column to mulitple filters) - SELECT (***No Filter Column1***) before returning to Basic Mode
Enter Description
How Many Rows per Page in Header Re-Map Table? (10-500)
Enter Description
Log Files Folder Location + List of Header Re-Map Log Files in Workflow
Enter Description
(Basic Mode) - Get Re-Map Header List from Horizontal Table Column Names (Set all advanced settings back to default if transitioning back from Advanced) vs (Advanced Mode) - Get Re-Map Header Names from a Vertical Column (Enables additional columns to be used for Dropdown Filtering and Appending Settings)
Enter Description
Append Unassigned Headers? (Appending a large number of headers impacts performance. I prefer to turn this on after Re-Mapping is complete)
Enter Description
Sort Output Columns to Re-Map List Order? (Non Re-Mapped Columns Last)
Enter Description
Advanced Restrict Append Essential Columns Only? (Must select column name containing Yes / No values below) - Append must be activated above... (Bypassed in Basic Mode)
Enter Description

Input Ports

Input Table with wrong Headers
Input Table with New Header List / Backup

Output Ports

Re-Mapped Table Out
Output with Backup / Portable Re-map info


