

This workflow will determine the colors of a foreground object in an image. The workflow builds upon the results from the workflow 'CRAFTED_get-data-MINT_public:

1. read data about the image from a MongoDB and loads the image
2. determine the main colors
3. map the colors tot he colours of the European Fashion Thesaurus
4. write the image without background to a local disk
5. write the result in W3C annotation format to a file
6. write the result in W3C annotation format to the MongoDB

- set mongoDB connection to read image metadata [see workflow 'CRAFTED_get-data-MINT_public]
- set CP name and dataset ID
- set path to local disk for forground image files (in folder 'IMAGES_NO_BCKGRND')
- set mongoDB connection to write results
- set path to annotations folder
- Optional: set number of clusters in the 'get colors' node
- Optional: set threshhold for infrequemnt colours in 'filter colors
- Python environment for Knime, as explained here: https://docs.knime.com/2018-12/python_installation_guide
- MongoDB Compass (see https://www.mongodb.com/products/compass)

SET pathNO detected box croppingTESTERSET CPSET PATHreplace w/FT colorsremove duplicatesSET db SET collectionmissing wTable to PDF Set cropping x,y Row Filter preview MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader Variable Creator JSON Writer create annotations String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) get colors JSON Path DuplicateRow Filter MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer Chunk Loop Start Loop End Row Filter SET pathNO detected box croppingTESTERSET CPSET PATHreplace w/FT colorsremove duplicatesSET db SET collectionmissing wTable to PDF Set cropping x,y Row Filter preview MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader Variable Creator JSON Writer create annotations String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) get colors JSON Path DuplicateRow Filter MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer Chunk Loop Start Loop End Row Filter


