

- read images
- convert to base64
- Google Vision face detection request
- get face coordinates ('boxes')
- crop faces and write to disk
- count faces per image

SET CP variablemake pathto contentmake pathto metadatamake URIsend requestNode 52Node 53get facesNode 56Node 57UUIDmax 500?Node 187Node 201Node 210Node 211Node 212Node 213Node 254Node 264Node 266Node 267Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation base64 encode POST Request Loop End(deprecated) Chunk Loop Start Column Filter JSON Path JSON Path Ungroup GET Request crop images Column Filter GroupBy CSV Writer String Manipulation GroupBy String to Path(Variable) MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path SET CP variablemake pathto contentmake pathto metadatamake URIsend requestNode 52Node 53get facesNode 56Node 57UUIDmax 500?Node 187Node 201Node 210Node 211Node 212Node 213Node 254Node 264Node 266Node 267Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation base64 encode POST Request Loop End(deprecated) Chunk Loop Start Column Filter JSON Path JSON Path Ungroup GET Request crop images Column Filter GroupBy CSV Writer String Manipulation GroupBy String to Path(Variable) MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path


