
3. Model Deployment with kafka

3. Model Deployment with kafka
MODEL DEPLOYMENT (using trained model)- in the model deployment stage, trained model saved is being retrieved and use to makepredictions KAFKA CONSUMER (consume data from kafka producer)- kafka consumer consumed the data from the "fraud" topic and immediatey enterto model deployment stage as the input data. SEND THE INFO BACK TO KAFKA- the results then send back as kafka producer in"fraud-response" topic Connect tokafka containerConsumetopic"fraud"from kafkaConvert kafka "fraud" to tablefilter ID columnproduce kafka "fraud-response"to kafka Conncet to kafka producerconvert to JSONload trained modeluse the trained modelto make prediction Kafka Connector Kafka Consumer JSON to Table Column Filter Rule Engine Kafka Producer Kafka Connector Joiner Table to JSON Table Manipulator Keras NetworkReader Keras NetworkExecutor MODEL DEPLOYMENT (using trained model)- in the model deployment stage, trained model saved is being retrieved and use to makepredictions KAFKA CONSUMER (consume data from kafka producer)- kafka consumer consumed the data from the "fraud" topic and immediatey enterto model deployment stage as the input data. SEND THE INFO BACK TO KAFKA- the results then send back as kafka producer in"fraud-response" topic Connect tokafka containerConsumetopic"fraud"from kafkaConvert kafka "fraud" to tablefilter ID columnproduce kafka "fraud-response"to kafka Conncet to kafka producerconvert to JSONload trained modeluse the trained modelto make prediction Kafka Connector Kafka Consumer JSON to Table Column Filter Rule Engine Kafka Producer Kafka Connector Joiner Table to JSON Table Manipulator Keras NetworkReader Keras NetworkExecutor


