

Form Data App

This workflow builds a one page data app containing a form that collects user information and feedback.
The data are then sent to a workflow service that takes care of saving it on a shared file.

01.Form Data AppThis workflow builds a one page data app containing a form that collects user information and feedback.The data are then sent to a workflow service that takes care of saving it on a shared file. Executed by: USER INTERACTION(WebPortal) Workflow Service to write the userfeedback. Get a success flag after theexecution Form Page to collect user feedback Show message according to success flag Form.csv updatechecksuccess flagData CollectionForm Call WorkflowService CASE Switch Start Falure message Success message 01.Form Data AppThis workflow builds a one page data app containing a form that collects user information and feedback.The data are then sent to a workflow service that takes care of saving it on a shared file. Executed by: USER INTERACTION(WebPortal) Workflow Service to write the userfeedback. Get a success flag after theexecution Form Page to collect user feedback Show message according to success flag Form.csv updatechecksuccess flagData CollectionForm Call WorkflowService CASE Switch Start Falure message Success message


