

Testing Another Workflow Segment with a MetanodeHere we test a workflow segment that joins the original data given to our lexicon-based predictor with generated predictions. Documents with no sentiment words will not have a prediction, butshould still be present in the final output with an associated missing value.We also keep information regarding whether the test passes or not for future reports. Alternative input in casethe test failsCapture informationrelated to testexecutionExport statusand metadataWorkflow execution statusand metadata Read join resultsworkflow (captured)Execute workflowover real dataTest thatworkflow segmentis processing tweets as expectedSample of processed real-world dataGolden datafor what is expected as the output of the workflow segmentSampleof real-world tweetsTry (VariablePorts) Variable Creator Variable toTable Row Catch Errors(Var Ports) WorkflowService Output Workflow Metadata Workflow Reader Workflow Executor Table DifferenceChecker Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Testing Another Workflow Segment with a MetanodeHere we test a workflow segment that joins the original data given to our lexicon-based predictor with generated predictions. Documents with no sentiment words will not have a prediction, butshould still be present in the final output with an associated missing value.We also keep information regarding whether the test passes or not for future reports. Alternative input in casethe test failsCapture informationrelated to testexecutionExport statusand metadataWorkflow execution statusand metadata Read join resultsworkflow (captured)Execute workflowover real dataTest thatworkflow segmentis processing tweets as expectedSample of processed real-world dataGolden datafor what is expected as the output of the workflow segmentSampleof real-world tweetsTry (VariablePorts) Variable Creator Variable toTable Row Catch Errors(Var Ports) WorkflowService Output Workflow Metadata Workflow Reader Workflow Executor Table DifferenceChecker Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader


