
Text Processing _​ Capture Labeled String Occurrences w. Regex


Text Processing _ Capture Labeled String Occurrences w. RegexSample data provided from KNIME Forum topic:https://forum.knime.com/t/regex-extractor-node/81290 pagex_extractget PDFs Content fromcurrent workflow data area../data/PDF_files/regex_test[Untitled 3.pdf]regexReplace() extract "NAME:" itemsmerge regex extract resultssplit "NAME:" occurrencesstack splitted results to rowsaddress extracted label [Dummy Filev1.pdf]regexReplace() extract " Patient:" itemsreplace line breaksclean: leading and trailing pipes, double spacesstrip leading and trailing spacesupper == [Untitled 3.pdf]lower == dummy familyexclude missed rowsDummy Filev1.pdfpages_extract remove \n String Manipulation Read PDFs from CWDA String Manipulation Joiner Cell Splitter Unpivoting Column Rename(Regex) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Filter Row Filter String Manipulation Text Processing _ Capture Labeled String Occurrences w. RegexSample data provided from KNIME Forum topic:https://forum.knime.com/t/regex-extractor-node/81290 pagex_extractget PDFs Content fromcurrent workflow data area../data/PDF_files/regex_test[Untitled 3.pdf]regexReplace() extract "NAME:" itemsmerge regex extract resultssplit "NAME:" occurrencesstack splitted results to rowsaddress extracted label [Dummy Filev1.pdf]regexReplace() extract " Patient:" itemsreplace line breaksclean: leading and trailing pipes, double spacesstrip leading and trailing spacesupper == [Untitled 3.pdf]lower == dummy familyexclude missed rowsDummy Filev1.pdfpages_extract remove \n String Manipulation Read PDFs from CWDA String Manipulation Joiner Cell Splitter Unpivoting Column Rename(Regex) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Filter Row Filter String Manipulation


