
File Management _​ Export CSV Files with Dynamic Names

File Management _ Export CSV Files with Dynamic Names
KNIME Forum challenge:Export CSV multi file report with dynamic naming Google Folder Connector. In case of a local system, the connector isn't needed ... folder path can be aggregated in 'Java Edit Variable' ( path: "Folder" + CLASS + time_now + ext ) ExtractHeadersColnamesto columnextractCLASSESCLASSESuniqueAuthentication toGoogle Services/My Drive/KNIME_publicFruit Retail DATA(Arranged by Client ID)ID OutStart Loopby CLASS (Fruit)Filter Columns Related to CLASSColumn Filter REGEX VariableWiriteCSV to file Systemtime_nowStringpath:CLASS + time_now + extSystem Time...... to VariableCollectProcess VariablesNode 2011 ExtractColumn Header Unpivoting Cell Splitter GroupBy GoogleAuthentication Google DriveConnector CSV Reader Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Filter Java EditVariable (simple) CSV Writer Java EditVariable (simple) Java EditVariable (simple) Create Date&TimeRange Table Rowto Variable Variable Loop End String to Path(Variable) KNIME Forum challenge:Export CSV multi file report with dynamic naming Google Folder Connector. In case of a local system, the connector isn't needed ... folder path can be aggregated in 'Java Edit Variable' ( path: "Folder" + CLASS + time_now + ext ) ExtractHeadersColnamesto columnextractCLASSESCLASSESuniqueAuthentication toGoogle Services/My Drive/KNIME_publicFruit Retail DATA(Arranged by Client ID)ID OutStart Loopby CLASS (Fruit)Filter Columns Related to CLASSColumn Filter REGEX VariableWiriteCSV to file Systemtime_nowStringpath:CLASS + time_now + extSystem Time...... to VariableCollectProcess VariablesNode 2011 ExtractColumn Header Unpivoting Cell Splitter GroupBy GoogleAuthentication Google DriveConnector CSV Reader Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Filter Java EditVariable (simple) CSV Writer Java EditVariable (simple) Java EditVariable (simple) Create Date&TimeRange Table Rowto Variable Variable Loop End String to Path(Variable)


