
Just KNIME It S03 _​ CH04 _​ Causes of Death in the EU

You work for the United Nations and want to discuss how the causes of death vary across the European Union (EU). You know how to analyze data and generate insightful visualizations, but the data you have at hand is a bit challenging: the meaning of its different columns and codes is not clear. To conclude your work well, you will have to integrate this data with some metadata in XML format, making sense of the different death causes and data attributes. What patterns can you find in the different countries?

Author: Emilio Silvestri

Just KNIME It - Season3 - Challenge 04: Causes of Death in the EU EU27's Main Causes of Death Chart Analysis. EU_death_causes_2021.csvKNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 04 - DatasetsEU_death_causes_metadata.xml KNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 04 - Datasetscode descriptions:1.- age2.- geo3.- icd 104.- obs flag5.- resid6.- sexCharts displaying patterns, about causes of death within the EU 27 countries CSV Reader XML Reader XML Dictionary EU27 MainCauses of Death Just KNIME It - Season3 - Challenge 04: Causes of Death in the EU EU27's Main Causes of Death Chart Analysis. EU_death_causes_2021.csvKNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 04 - DatasetsEU_death_causes_metadata.xml KNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 04 - Datasetscode descriptions:1.- age2.- geo3.- icd 104.- obs flag5.- resid6.- sexCharts displaying patterns, about causes of death within the EU 27 countries CSV Reader XML Reader XML Dictionary EU27 MainCauses of Death


