
Just KNIME It S02 _​ CH08 _​ EuroVision Song Contest

The Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is a song competition with participants mostly from european countries. In the contest finale, each country gives points to the others, and the sum of the received points determines the winning country.

In this challenge, you will experiment with the Network Mining nodes in order to visualize (in a Network Viewer) the points given and received by each country.

Note: The contest regulation changed over time, and it might make no sense to aggregate points from different editions.

Author: @emilio_s

Just KNIME It - Season2 - Challenge08: The EuroVision Song Contest (ESC) R based Visualization eurovision_1957-2021.csvhttps://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~dlYuLLggYWQNdMbP/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-CodesJSON from:https://github.com/lukesMultiple-Group Chord Diagramand Contest Analysis ResultsR Packages:install.packages("data.table")install.packages("tidyverse")install.packages("circlize")install.packages("RColorBrewer") CSV Reader ISO GEO_reference EuroVisionSong Contest Just KNIME It - Season2 - Challenge08: The EuroVision Song Contest (ESC) R based Visualization eurovision_1957-2021.csvhttps://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~dlYuLLggYWQNdMbP/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-CodesJSON from:https://github.com/lukesMultiple-Group Chord Diagramand Contest Analysis ResultsR Packages:install.packages("data.table")install.packages("tidyverse")install.packages("circlize")install.packages("RColorBrewer") CSV Reader ISO GEO_reference EuroVisionSong Contest


