


There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

TODO:(1) Enter your personalAPI Key and Secret(2) Click “Authorize Access”and follow the browser flow(3) Execute the workflowNote:For the below branch,we need to expose the API key and secretas flow variables. Seetab “Variables”BuildAuthorization header (based on theretrieved access_token)Create the request URLSpecify HTTP method “POST”Node 26Take the *refresh token*and exchange it fora fresh access tokenNode 32Node 33Node 34Node 36Node 37Node 61OAuth Connector[BETA] String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation ContainerInput (JSON) Get Access Token Table Creator Table Row ToVariable Loop Start JSON to Table Rule Engine Rule Engine Variable Loop End inner loop TODO:(1) Enter your personalAPI Key and Secret(2) Click “Authorize Access”and follow the browser flow(3) Execute the workflowNote:For the below branch,we need to expose the API key and secretas flow variables. Seetab “Variables”BuildAuthorization header (based on theretrieved access_token)Create the request URLSpecify HTTP method “POST”Node 26Take the *refresh token*and exchange it fora fresh access tokenNode 32Node 33Node 34Node 36Node 37Node 61OAuth Connector[BETA] String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation ContainerInput (JSON) Get Access Token Table Creator Table Row ToVariable Loop Start JSON to Table Rule Engine Rule Engine Variable Loop End inner loop


